Bryan Duncan Concerts In Ohio


     Grace Fellowship Church will host Bryan Duncan for a Saturday-evening concert on September 28 at 7:00 pm; and a Sunday-morning concert on September 29 at 10:00 am.  Bryan will sing different songs at each free-admission event, so plan on joining him for both.

     Bryan will share classics from many of his albums and newer songs like I See YouNothing To Prove. He'll also feature songs from his new album Shine, including Remember My Mother and I Will Shine

     Bryan's songs, like I Love You With My Life and Traces Of Heaven have offered hope and encouragement to believers for decades. He also engages people who aren't Christians yet through So Good For The Soul outreach concerts.

     You can invite people these events with your friends, family, and neighbors. Here are the Facebook pages for Bryan Duncan, and for the Saturday-evening concert and the Sunday-morning concert